Chris T.E.

Shadow & Knuckles
Shadow & Knuckles by @CoolKidCoco (Chris T.E.)

I know what you're probably thinking; number one, they don't look like that in the games. But I prefer my style over sega's, so :-p. And number two, they look a little different (not to mention you wouldn't expect that expression on Shadow's face... EVER... really... ^_^;;) but there IS a point to my babbling! for once...

This is actually for me fan story called "Reset". Yes, it's a 'Shadow comes back' fic, but it's different. Shadow DOES Chaos Control at the end of SA2, but it's a little different... While his body burns up, in another universe, some of his memories are added to the mind of an alternate version of Shadow! ^^ does a little happy dance And Knuckles? He's Shadow's best friend ever since they're three years old awwww Think opposite magnets here; Shadow's bent on making a name for himself, mainly by letting his childhood bully and rival Sonic (hee hee hee *evil grin) have a punch right in the nose. Knuckles, on the other hand, would rather sit something like that out and wait for anything 'special' (as Shads calls it) to come to him. The shy type, if you will. Gotta love 'im tho. ^^

Lots o' the typities... Oh well.

(BTW, yes I messed up on Shads' head. For shame. The stupid erasers I have don't erase blue pencil that well. ;_;) Artwork © Copyright 2002 Chris T.E.

Rough / Concept
21y263d ago
Other Work By @CoolKidCoco

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Sunday, 28 March, 2004 @ 06:24 PM

erm kinda looks like Shadow in this piccy is wearing Rouge's boots. O_O wow, I should stop thinking so much huh?

[ Shadow_Fox's Biography ]

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