ROFLOL! He he, Oh, how I love soaps!
'And next week, find out if Oscar is cheating on Ashley with her twin sister's roomate's ex girlfriend's boyfriend!'
Mwaha ha ha ha! I love it! =P
Laguna Barr
Well, this is actual work for school. In Media studies we have to create a soap opera from scratch. I choose a restaurant, and these are the characters, from left to right: Jamie ( he was origanally Jann ^^;;) Kim Hitaki Goku Terasah Axen ( ^_^ What can I say? He's a waiter and has had a hair cut) Saev Lance (slightly in background) Hugo Sean Caine aaaand lastly Mangana ( Spanish for "Leave for another day") Artwork © Copyright 2003 Laguna Barr
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Awwwwwww this is cool buddy!!!!