Todd O'Donnell

Kitt in the afterlife
Kitt in the afterlife by @neotoddzero (Todd O'Donnell)

Finished version of the new Kitt Ayanami pic. As you can see, she's quite a bit different from how she originally looked in earlier pics of her here (not counting the halo of course). Now she looks less like a red fox and more like a kit fox. Her ears are much larger now (though I've noticed that all my furries have been getting larger ears lately) and there's now that grey on her ears, tail, and back, plus she's more brown than orange now and her tail tip changed from white to black. Of course this pic is a spoiler for me Lylat Wars (StarFox) fic being as she's dead now, though even death can't keep me from still using my characters. Anyhoo, I like the pic, the crayon used for her jacket and pants surprisingly stayed within the area I wanted it very well. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Katsuhiro Ravencroft

Finished Work
21y68d ago
Other Work By @neotoddzero

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