Todd O'Donnell

He challenges, do you accept?
He challenges, do you accept? by @neotoddzero (Todd O'Donnell)

A long time and often used character, space pirate Horatio Vulpin, Captain of the Silver Fox and member of the Silver Dragon pirate guild, beckons anyone willing to accept his challenge. Even though he is one of my oldest characters, this is the first pic of him even drawn. The look was inspired by a furcadia avatar that had been switched to after entering one of those areas (for example the white-tipped ears), though the robotic left arm has been with him back when I created him. The pic was actually drawn mirrored to the result, I accidentally gave him a robotic right arm instead of left, thank goodness for image editing tools. This is actually the Vulpin that appears in Lylat Wars: Legend of the Pirate, my StarFox fic of course (before falling in love with Solaria Gemini). Anyhoo, I like how he turned out, his arm and hair especially. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Katsuhiro Ravencroft

Finished Work
21y63d ago
Other Work By @neotoddzero

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