John Rios

Save the Oil
Save the Oil by @deaddays (John Rios)

WEEE! Very political. RUNNING WITH A HIGHLY DETAILED AND COMPLICATED STORY I HAD TO READ 7 TIMES TO FULLY UNDERSTAND ENOUGH TO CREATE A DRAWING ABOUT IT! Heres the skinny if your interested: theres this guy named George Shultz who is former president and current chairman of a company called BECHTEL, the company that was recently given $680,000,000 to help reconstruct Iraq. Anway, long story short, since the 80's he his company was known to support Saddam and were trying to make a deal with him to build a pipeline to ship oil for Bechtel. Nevermind the fact that Shultz was in charge of stopping Saddam from using chemical warfare on Iran at the time (He was Ronald Regans head of state, it was the 80's remember), not to get his oil. Nope, he kept funding Saddam in hopes he would make the deal. It never happened. Now his company is supposed to be all good and help reconstruct Iraq for a better tomarrow? Gimme a break. Kinda ironic that Shultz and Rumsfeld managed to secure over 1,000 Iraqi oil wells YET not a single museum or library. Oh yeah. He's looking out for Iraq. Iraqi oil that is. Sorry about all the politics. It's a living. Artwork © Copyright 2003 John Rios

Finished Work
21y12d ago
Other Work By @deaddays

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