Kat Dugas

Catching the Last
Catching the Last by @katduga (Kat Dugas)

The darkness he fell through grew increasingly full, until he was not so much falling through the starscape as the stars themselves were falling past him. Each spark was a memory - and they each winked brightly once before dying out completely.

Timbre's eyes widened - he was going to forget...forget everything!

The rain of stars continued to fall past Timbre, and his throat choked up...he had to stop them - he had to tell them to come back!

"Stop! Please! I don't want to forget!" he cried desperately, but the stars continued to fall their cruel path of oblivion. "If only - only one would stay - I won't forget her, I can't - I'd rather die!"

His words echoed through the darkness, which seemed even darker now from the loss of the stars.

All were gone, except one.

It hovered close, and he cupped it swiftly in his hands, feeling the warmth of that one light softly illuminate his tear-streaked face. Just this one left - the one he'd wished most would stay.

He clasped that one last memory dearly to his heart as he floated away amongst the nothingness.

"Thank you...thank you..."

Finished Work
20y73d ago
Other Work By @katduga

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