So very PRETTY! I'd wish I'd known you were gonna draw this, cuz then I wouldn't've drawn mine til I saw it 9.9;; That picture is like... 95% completed color and everything.. I'ma go back in and re-work it but I dun think I'll be able to get those cool layers... but I can try! >D challenge!
I Loves it muchly! :D It's AWESOME!
Fortunately, the one I drew doesn't really look all that different from yours. o.o It just.. has no beads and less layers. Meeheehee.. this'll be fun.. >:d
We wants it too! =G So cool! All the skirt layers and the long bell sleeeeeeeeeves. =B===---- Yah, white's a pain, no? I don't like coloring things that're white just because they still need shading, and I try to do it with really light gray but it always ends up too dark. 9.6 I now shade most white things with slate blue. I have no clue why. Someday, you, Bast, and I have to get together and become a fashion designing team. u.u Cuz I always think 'I would totally buy that' when you guys make up dresses and stuffs, and cuz people seem to like my freaky costumes. Can you just see us at the Paris fashion shows!? 8D getting ahead of herself Anyway. u.u Lovely dress indeed. hugs