Lindsay Baker

Inu Yasha Sketch-y Thingies
Inu Yasha Sketch-y Thingies by @lindbake (Lindsay Baker)

Wahoo. This was done in like 5 minutes, but I still like it. None of em have noses or mouths cause they's all chibi like! (and I'm a lazy bum)But, hey. It happens. I like how Miroku is shifty. Hee. Shifty is always funny. Laugh. Laugh damn you!

Rough / Concept
20y264d ago
Other Work By @lindbake

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 03 October, 2003 @ 07:49 PM

I definitely got a kick out of seeing this! Your chibi style is great! Sesshoumaru (aka Fluffy!) looks like such a sweet little girl staring off into space. (Yes, i know Sesshoumaru is a guy. I've been to the web site Project SNAG Sesshoumaru-Not a Girl). Miroku looks twenty shades of bored with whatever tacky situation is going on. But the best one of the picture has got to be Inu Yasha. That tough, but calm look on his face suits him perfectly, whether he's all chibi-ed or not. Nice job! I love it!

Posted: Wednesday, 14 April, 2004 @ 03:45 PM


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