B Sanders

The Dream is...
The Dream is... by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

I was going through my sketchbook the other day, and I realized that I have some sketches in here that, in spite of the fact that I find them to be decent examples of my abilities, I never uploaded them to my gallery. So, I scanned them, cleaned them up (the scanner kind of blurred a few features here and there), and decided to post them.
This one is a concept sketch for one of the collections I came up with called "Evidence of Dreamweaver". The character here is Aisling, and her ear indicates that she is a moon elemental (opposite of Sanaa). Her role in the story is to keep the perspective character alive by maintaining his dreams while she repairs his body. However, her efforts are constantly endangered by the fact that he will die if he wakes up, and his subconscious is working both with her and against her. Every time he dies in his dreams or the dream itself is forced to restart, it brings him closer to death. And while she isn't in any direct danger, she puts herself at risk of fading into death herself from exhaustion. Stamped with Dawn's symbol as one of the Ten Days of Morning Twilight. The Japanese at one side reads: "The dream---"; this was made before I had decided that Aisling was going to be an Irish-linked elemental.

© 2023 B Sanders

Rough / Concept
1y104d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination
In These Portfolios

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