Rebekah Isaacs

Chibi Jareth and Sarah
Chibi Jareth and Sarah by @rebeisaa (Rebekah Isaacs)
Characters: Jareth and Sarah from Labyrinth
Umm... I wasn't really sure what to classify this under, since it is fanart, but not from anime. Ah well. I've gotten good response about Jareth, but people tend to complain that Sarah doesn't look like... Sarah. C'mon, people, they're chibis!!
Finished Work
22y155d ago
Other Work By @rebeisaa

Comments & Critiques (7)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 31 January, 2002 @ 11:51 PM

Utterly adorable. :) I love it to pieces. :) Especially his expression. >D

Posted: Monday, 18 February, 2002 @ 11:51 AM

Oh, this is too precious. :D I think they look just like Jareth and Sarah. Probably what throws people off is that Sarah looks genkier and Jareth grouchier than usual. But hey, they're chibis, what do you expect? ^_^

Posted: Saturday, 20 April, 2002 @ 10:51 AM

Amazing! You've captured their personalities perfectly! And I think that Sarah looks great...what is everyone talking about? ^_^

Dark Persian =^.o.^=


Posted: Saturday, 20 April, 2002 @ 10:51 AM

Amazing! You've captured their personalities perfectly! And I think that Sarah looks great...what is everyone talking about? ^_^

Dark Persian =^.o.^=


Posted: Tuesday, 30 July, 2002 @ 07:11 PM

Aww... Hes not a happy chibi Jare-chan. Hes so cuuuute. I love my Jare-chan. I think you did a wonderful job on them both. :> ...HES SO CUUUTE!!!

Posted: Saturday, 21 December, 2002 @ 06:11 PM

squeak Jareth looks adorable! Sarah looks fine for a chibi.

Posted: Sunday, 21 March, 2004 @ 12:42 PM

o.o.. that movie was scary.. lol.. anyways, nice job.

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