Janus Izumii

Easy Come, Easy Go..
Easy Come, Easy Go.. by @Janus (Janus Izumii)

Anoo! It's not that bad of a pic! There is only violence.. Not even that. Perhaps it's demonic~ but not that bad. Well yeah kinda sorta maybe. I was being careful my parents didn't see this, becuase they'd think I lost my mind. Well my dad seen it and said don't look at stuff like that. (he didn't even realize I drew it =p) No I'm not upset or anything. It was from an idea from Porno Graffitti's Music video "Hitori No Yoru" (They are a J-Pop band... nothing bad you sicko =p) But this is Law from SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI. I don't know why I drew him... Oh yeah the member of the band looked like him~ that's why ^^;; Perhaps someday I'll put up the color version of this too..

Mature (VO)
Finished Work
22y240d ago
Other Work By @Janus

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Sunday, 25 November, 2001 @ 07:40 PM

ooh! spasticy! reminds me of that pic where aya tried to kill himshelf wiff his finger. remember?? bang... bang... bang... click click click bang... ah. we need to do more shtuff omi.

Posted: Saturday, 09 February, 2002 @ 10:03 PM

LOL, yup, that'd be my parents. If I drew sumthin with even a like, gun in the backgrounf being held by...a racoon...they'd have me whisked away to a center for the mentally needy, the suisidal attempt house or sumthin. Can you imagine? "Oh, yes, well little child, I was sent here cuz I attempted to hang myself from my overhead fan with my beadsheets. What did YOU do?" ..... "Well, I drew a gun and my parents named me crazy" .....--; parents just dont understand, do they? Anyway, I LOVE the pic. it's really origonal, ya know?

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