Rebecca Mason

" Hiya" and "The water?! ..who said anything about the water? ..IT WAS THE FISH!!" and " Huh?!" " Wha?" " I'm in love.." " Piccolo?" by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

Hehee 3 pics in one.... The first one being a pic of a chibi Krillin jumping out (I guess) and saying "Hiya!!" the next pic is a small comic based on a soundfile from a audio tape Charlotte sent me..and I thought it was too good to resist doing a comic for it..and hopefully if I get this right...it goes something along the lines of.... [Goku] Why are you gonna fish the water? [Piccolo] Dunno......FOR REVENGE?! [Krillin] Ahh okay....what's the water ever done to you?! [Piccolo] The water?! who said anything about the water? IT WAS THE FISH MUWAHAHAHAHAH!! Hahahhahahahah*Cough* :: Gasps for air:: ........... And finally a pic based on a dream Charlotte told me she had once..I decided to draw a scene from it..and I'll post the part from Charlotte's dream here so you might understand what's going on.... We got to a place where a giant organ was, the organ pipes bellowing as each not was played. The player of the piano stopped. He turned to face us, Bra, Becca, Bryony just looked shocked, Goten looked confused and Charlotte had hearts for eyes.


Piccolo lifted his head up a little, cocking it to the left as he did so. The outfit he was wearing was a black Tuxedo, without a tie, with a mask which covered half his face. (It showed off his physike perfectly I thought) He stood up, the light from laterns nearby playing light on his facial features. Becca just looked up at the namekian, Charlotte did too by in awe. Bryony just looked at him and looked puzzeled "Err...Piccolo, why are you in a sewer?" .........Oh yeah..and me and Bryony are not meant to look like we're holding hands, That kinda went a bit wrong....and don't mind the pen marks on the other side :: Shrugs:: And that's it .^^. Enjoy....and I updated the piccy by drawing Piccolo's cape in ^^

Finished Work
22y147d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

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