Rebecca Mason

The Girls come for a visit.
The Girls come for a visit. by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

Heehee a pic I did last year (while I was still in school) In this pic the girls from the other Toonami school come for a visit..and as you can see it's pure madness. Ryo-Ohki falls in love with Baby Piccolo who insists he's not her type, Tien is laughing at him..while Bulma tells Vegeta off by saying " Your a loud, crude spoilt brat!" while he thinks to himself " And she isn't?!" Krillin is in the middle of Maron (That ditz of a girlfriend who abandoned Krillin at the end of the Garlic Jr saga..) and 18 who insists that Krillin is way too nice to be with Maron..and how right she is ^^. Then there's really little Washu with a small chemistry kit, Then there's little Mihoshi in a baby's bunny suit and Duo and Hilde just talking, Then Heero and Relena together, Trowa with his sister Catherine..and Quatre reading out a note his sisters sent..and of course poor li'll Tenchi stuck in between Ryoko and Aeka, Wufei wondering "why those girls are swarming over that geek?" and finally Goku and Chi-Chi standing together. Heh..and yes I know they look slightly different to how I draw them now..but that was back when I only really just started liking Dragonball Z and Gundam Wing and I had to get used to drawing them and it was before Yamcha, Nail and Radditz joined the group...but they still look cute .^^.

Finished Work
22y147d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 19 April, 2002 @ 11:48 AM

::DEAD:: Oooh, all we need now is the Sailor Moon cast and we could have come SERIOUS havok...

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