Blizzard Wolf

Don't you DARE Steal My Copyrights!!!!
Don't you DARE Steal My Copyrights!!!! by @blizzardwolf (Blizzard Wolf)

Today, I found someone. Someone I now hate. Someone who stole my coyrights for my sites and characters. And did it several times. I told her about this and how I didn't approve, and she was immature about it. I want to rip her head open... Also, I did this on an Oekaki board...

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Blizzard Wolf

Teen (V)
Finished Work
22y122d ago
Other Work By @blizzardwolf

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 11 March, 2002 @ 11:24 PM

yes~ I know the feeling. It's happened to me a few times too. X.x;; Nyuu hoo... Cute piccie. Expresses the title perfectly.

Posted: Monday, 11 March, 2002 @ 11:24 PM

i cant wait to see you love dad

Posted: Tuesday, 12 March, 2002 @ 07:25 AM

Tha's horrible-I've had that happen to me too-if you like I shall track them down and drag them out of their lil tiny holes and rip them to shreds-ha! Hope it never happens again!

Posted: Tuesday, 12 March, 2002 @ 05:26 PM

Sheesh... I hate people like that... Little...uh... Things ^^;;... I started an image gallery- http://www.side7.com/art/kriss/gallery.html

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 05:17 PM

blinks looks like i better order a coffin, someone's gonna die

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