ham-ham hug
ham-ham hug by @EWM (E M)

awww aren't they cute pokes the hamster lol another quick sketch for Chris...lol I saw this pic on Mikyuki Kobayashi's side 7 gallery that was a guy dancing to the end theme song of Hamtaro...my frist thought was Chris lol anyone who knows Chris knows that lol he would do something like that...and lol the pic name was Chris ^_^ imagine that and the script said "If only I could find a boy who admits that yes, he does get up and dance to the end theme for Hamtaro." grabs Chris's hand and raises his hand he does he does!! Chris grins lol I gotta ask if he does tomorrow lol... I think he does cause he dances around all the time anyways lol silly bunny

Rough / Concept
21y346d ago
Other Work By @EWM

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Thursday, 27 June, 2002 @ 05:34 PM

greetings all my hurra citizens, i am here to say yes i have danced to the hamtaro song i admite it in front of all of u and even that dude who wnats somebody to admit to it

Posted: Friday, 28 June, 2002 @ 10:20 PM

Lol, what a coincidence that my dancing tcharacters name is he same as a real dancing person. Bwahahaha! Thanks for the comment, BTW.


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