Rebecca Mason

 Profile pic of kid Radditz
Profile pic of kid Radditz " Stop it you two!!" " Pleeeeeeease?!!" and " I will avenge my father!" by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

Here's some pics I did while I was down my uncles, the first is of a kid Radditz, secondly is a pic of a young Nappa (around 24 years old) breaking up a fight between Vegeta (4 years old) and Radditz (5 years old) and a pic of a young 8 year old Jeice going all shiny eyed about going to a amusement park and finally a pic of a 2 year old Piccolo (I guess he was the size of a 6 year old at that age) and he's vowing revenge for his father's death..e-heh and yes I was bored when I drew what he's saying. ^_^.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Rebecca Mason

Finished Work
22y119d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 19 May, 2002 @ 01:06 PM

::snickers:: Napsy with hair!? The horror!!

Posted: Monday, 20 May, 2002 @ 01:21 PM

What's wrong with Nappa-Chan with hair. XD! I love Nappa, and I draw him all the time. <3 Great pic very cute. ::Pets the Nappa:: Hehehe

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