Neko Sama

Your Bored, Have Too Much Time On Your Hands, And a Pencil, What Do You Do?
Your Bored, Have Too Much Time On Your Hands, And a Pencil, What Do You Do? by @Supreme_Neko (Neko Sama)
Answer To Question Above: This Piccie...
I was bored, looking through some old art I'd printed off of the internet. Recently I've been in a sort of art slump, ya know the type. Anyway, in hopes of getting out of it I grabbed a really detailed piccie and started drawing, after a while I got into the swing of things and started to add my own flare. So basically, the only thing the same about the piccie I was copying off is the dress, and even that's not EXACTLY the same. Was originally Sailor Moon, and changed to Sailor Cosmos, it looks better in my sketch book, but hell, what do you do with a bad scanner?
Cosmos is Copywrite Naoko Takeuchi, original piccie Copywrite who ever drew it.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Tahlia Leikas

Rough / Concept
21y138d ago
Other Work By @Supreme_Neko

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 21 January, 2003 @ 07:39 AM

O.O Wow that's so cool!! heh I don't think I'd be able to draw Sailor Cosmos as good as you have! it's beautiful!

Posted: Sunday, 26 January, 2003 @ 04:10 PM

Ah yes, beautiful work. I can help you out: the original pic was done by Brian Bork, helluva SM artist.^_^

Posted: Sunday, 26 January, 2003 @ 09:57 PM

I've been in a slump lately too, so I hope you and I can both break out of them soon! This is a lovely pic and I like the way you drew her staff. And skirt. It's so cool.


Posted: Thursday, 30 January, 2003 @ 03:52 AM

Tahlia I'm amazed that.....that.....is excelent.

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