This amused me to the point of insanity. XD is now insane Thank you for having such mad art skillz, Carli!!
by @dyani (Carli Joy)
Uh... it's a Hobbit Show! Presented by the (Pervy) Hobbit Fanciers' Association of America! ^^; Really, though, it's just me pointing out the finer points of Sam's cuteness. This one was inspired by a conversation with Amy... thus:
~ ChichiriMuffin: we should start like a Pervy Hobbit Fanciers' Association. VampireTidus: glee that'd be grand. ChichiriMuffin: And we can breed hobbits to our specifications and hold hobbit shows and give out ribbons to the best hobbits of each breed... is getting weird now VampireTidus: o_O indeed. ChichiriMuffin: Well there are different breeds of hobbits you know! ChichiriMuffin: Have you ever seen a cat show? it'd be like that! VampireTidus: a hobbit show. ^^ ChichiriMuffin: yeah, they put a hobbit on the table and inspect it for the qualities of its breed and hold it up and everything so everyone can see. :3 VampireTidus: lol, that's kinda crazy ChichiriMuffin: ah but that's the fun of it all! VampireTidus: indeed. ^^
Fanart from: Lord of the Rings Artwork © Copyright 2003 Carli Joy
Oh my goodness!!!!! That is SO adorable!!!! giggles I'd join the Pervy Hobbit Fanciers' Association!!! pouncies Pippin Hobbit's are so kwooote!!! ^_~