Terry Lynn M

Kalyrti Rage
Kalyrti Rage by @dracothrope (Terry Lynn M)

Usually Kalyrti are a temperate, calm species. It takes a long time to work them into a rage, but when they are, they can be quite vicious. This is a male Kalyrti, (finally).

The species has a taboo among most gatherings about showing one's tail, hence the 'pant leg'ish thing covering his tail. @_@ Artwork © Copyright 2002 Terry Lynn M

Finished Work
21y306d ago
Other Work By @dracothrope

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 01 October, 2002 @ 07:06 PM

Now THAT is a SPIFFY KEEN creature design! I commend you for your awesomely unique twist on the typical dragon biped! ^_^ Kalyrti are very cool.

The tail-taboo makes me laugh, though. It's so... different. ^^* Especially since he's pretty naked otherwise, yanno? Interesting culture trait, though. Can't wait to learn more! ^_^

Posted: Tuesday, 15 October, 2002 @ 03:37 AM

Aiee, I love! O.o The border is fantastic, the background excellent, the wings beyond oustanding, and, of course, the kalyrti is a most fascinating creature ^^ Very well done! I love the tail-taboo... reminds me of the hand-taboo of my Cherasi folk, only even more extreme. I wonder how such a thing came about ^^ I can't wait to get some updated info (no rush ^^ ).

As always, wonderful work, Terry-chan

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