Nikki Star

Trunks! The Homicidal Maniac! by @NightmareNikki (Nikki Star)

Ok, so that is WAY out of character to say that Trunks would be Homicidal, but I wanted to draw it! Sure, he would never kill anyone but, yeah. I have always wanted to see him with Johnny boots...well, ever since I saw Johnny, so I finally drew it! I also think the sword looks cool in place of the blade. Yes, this is a rip off of the first cover (how I love that picture! I drew nny's face from that picture on my backback). The hand holding the sword is a little screwy, but I tried. What do you all think?

Finished Work
21y266d ago
Other Work By @NightmareNikki

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 10 October, 2002 @ 12:15 AM

Awesome!! Simply awesome! ^__^ ~points~ LOL Trunks looks so cool in JtHM clothes :D You drew him very very well!

Posted: Thursday, 10 October, 2002 @ 09:36 PM

Hahaha, While the Enemy Charges up energy from the atack, Trunks Slits them up,, hahah.. no Super Saiyin Crap for him! ( i love DBZ and JTHM )

Posted: Thursday, 17 October, 2002 @ 05:50 AM

His face looks great!! The only thing you need to work on are his proportions - Trunkcs is a little bigger than that. But it takes time, I mean, we're all still learning here. ^_^ Keep up the good work!

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