Chris T.E.

Go me...
Go me... by @CoolKidCoco (Chris T.E.)
Take note: If you like reading these descriptions, then have fun; I like to type. :-p lol

I get bored waaaaay too easily. o_o;; Oh well. Couldn't sleep the other night (I'm sick right now >.<), so I pulled out my sketchpaper and a pencil, and got sketchin'. Well, out of all the drawings I did, there were only three that really pleased me; this one of Guntz (based off a story idea, that only one other person has seen BUAH HA HA), one of my character, Uziti, and another of a Klonoa character named Anemon (it looked fairly nice, but I had no reference, and I'd like to get some and re-sketch before I do anything with it). Anemon is such a cool looking character... Too bad Namco only used her in G2, and they didn't really use her than much to begin with ;_; Going on...

Yeah, yeah, I draw Guntz a lot, I know. I like Guntz. :-p Well, like I said, it's based off a story idea, in which I've only shown one person. waves to mathias tode Basically, it's about what happened to Klonoa, Guntz, and Pango a year after the said their goodbyes at the end of Klonoa Heroes.

A year is a lot longer than you think, and all three of them have changed a little; Klonoa hasn't had to fight any evil, and has basically been hanging around Breezegale, getting small odd jobs to support the house (as he's all alone), and hanging out with kids in the town square. Guntz went back to his bounty hunting ways, and has been staying in an abandoned military base with another, more experienced hunter named Bleumir. (fan character. Go me.) But, at the beginning of the story, it seems he ran into a bit of bad luck by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and was captured by a couple of cruel, disgusting slave owners. (which would note the collar on his neck; it's a shock collar used to keep him in his place. He gets away from them, but keeps the non-working collar and wears it as a bluff saying he can withstand a lot of pain). Pango I haven't really got to yet in the story, but I'm thinking along the lines of developing a family. I'm not sure if that kid at the end of Klonoa Heroes is his son, or his little brother, but I'm thinking about going with son. (nothing like a good father-son relationship, eh? ^_^)


21y152d ago
Other Work By @CoolKidCoco

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Tuesday, 21 January, 2003 @ 08:16 PM

Just junped into side 7 and haven't talked to you on AIM in a while..... anyway I like this picture of Guntz, he looks kinda sexya is shot hey don't look at me that way, you know I already have my sweetie(s).... Anyway, I read on a Japanese site that the one shown at the end of KH is Pango's son, so u are right^^. Though, I never saw him because I never played the game XD

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