JC Robinson

A League of his Own!
A League of his Own! by @Narcotics (JC Robinson)

This is just one BIG advertisement for a fic I haven't written yet o.0. The fic is about Zim's adventures in Invader Academy and the crew who helped form him to the plucky, little annoyance he is today. Anyhow this picture is going to need a bit of explainning and I'll start with the names of the invaders starting at Zim and going counter clockwise:

Zim is the one in the middle, pointing down to the "League" and the girl attached to his head is his best friend Sarch. Stepping on the head of another to get at Zim is Valc (he's kind of heartless), and the poor soul he's stepping on is Tome. The bottom left little guy is Skirp who is right next to Erg (The heavy headed girl in the middle) and the chubby sweetheart next to her is Wuffy. The loner on the right is Mek and lastly but certainly not least is the upset looking Lyrt, Zim's only other friend.

::pant pant:: Ok that was a lot. Sarch and Lyrt have bios in my character biography and all the rest will be up soon so you'll know everyone's story so much that you'll be sick of it! ^.^; Artwork © Copyright 2002 JC Robinson

22y92d ago
Other Work By @Narcotics

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 08 March, 2002 @ 08:50 PM

Aw, I love this pic! It's so cute. ^_^ I thought the fat little guy would have been Skoodge or something tho. Still, adorable! If you could give me the characters colours I'd like to do a piece with them all in.

Posted: Tuesday, 12 March, 2002 @ 01:04 PM

I can't wait for the fic! (I was gonna write about Zim at the academy, but I couldn't get any ideas except he he and his friends would get in all kinds of trouble.)

Posted: Friday, 12 April, 2002 @ 10:00 PM

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! I love this pic! So cute!! Aww, Zim's got friends! I like the girl attached to his head... hehe. You need to write this fic! And the one about Pur! Ooo, I like Wuffy too! Hmm.. you're right. WHAT IS IT WITH THE CHUBBY ONES!? I don't get it... Aww, poor wittle Mekky's mad... ^.^ Wittle Moron! Hehe, can I poke him? He looks so.. poke-able!! Sorry.. ^.^; I love this! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

Posted: Friday, 02 August, 2002 @ 02:10 AM

Awe! ^^ That's too cute! It makes me think of the movie a league of their own. :P Great job on it! ^^


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