Leo Victor

I.A.N ( Imperial Anatonian Ship ) Adrastos
I.A.N ( Imperial Anatonian Ship ) Adrastos by @leovictor (Leo Victor)

The Mighty Dreadnought Fortress I.A.N Adrastos. An Old Drawing in my Excercise book. What still impress me is that I did this on school during free and lunch hours in 3 days without any Blueprint. Most of the ships appearance was done by guessing. And bytheway. Drawing a Battleship is allot harder than drawing a Lexus. I Love Battleships and this is a story about the power of the battleship in a time where aviation power from aircraft carriers reigns supreme. Its more of a strategic story. The Identical twin ( Sistership ) is called Antheos but since this is a 2 year old drawing the ship looks different today. In This story these vessels are called Dreadnought Fortresses ( Dreadnought means Fearless ) because of their sheer sizes. The I.A.N Antheos is over a mile long. The Winged pony in the Forground is my char Oliver.

Finished Work
22y148d ago
Other Work By @leovictor

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