Leo Victor

Dragonball beyond GT
Dragonball beyond GT by @leovictor (Leo Victor)

This is a poster I made of a Dragonball story that happens way after the dissapearance of Gouku in DB-GT. The guy on the left is either Gouku or a reincarnation of him. Whoever he is he is believe it or not he is the Biggest Geek on the block making Urkel look charming. Hes named Kakarotto. Funny that his name returns and he has no Idea who he really is. The guy on the right that is reminiscent to Vegeta is Hayato. He is a Mercinary and a Soldier of the most elite Special Forces. The only Sayen in this army, he relies allot on weapons more than his Sayen powers. that is until he accepted the fact that he is a sayen ( Hybrid ) and not pure human. Unlike Vegeta he isnt as isolated as his forefather despite his appearance but in time of battle he can be more Dangerous and Focused judging by his methods of destruction. So who pisses him of will be Beyond sorry. The Sayen girl in the middle was actually an Experiment to see how high a degree a Sayen female can reach in power level. In this pic she gave the creators more than they bargained for ( The same thing that Created the Androids Years ago. Yep they made a Comeback ). Originally Ignorant of her past she is the Wacky "Bulma" type of the group ( Actually a wacky Nun Type that Despises Violence until she was forced to fight back ). Her name is Uyoki. The guy on top is the Fusion between Hayato and Kakarotto Sayen level 4. And Judging from this pic yeah I`m a Dragonball Fanatic myself and I feel so at home at side7..

Finished Work
22y148d ago
Other Work By @leovictor

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 09 February, 2002 @ 06:00 PM

eeeeee!! ^^ wow! me like, me like alot! and it´s inkredible how ya kan draw with coloured pencils ^_^ graet job! :)

Posted: Saturday, 09 February, 2002 @ 07:04 PM

@_@ Move over Akira Toriyama and whoever did GT! This ish so neat!! clap clap clap clap

Posted: Friday, 22 March, 2002 @ 12:23 PM

GT was made by Toei Animation. Ok nice art. You're art is very nice. Are do alot on detail and such. Ja, na matte tomogotachi!



Posted: Thursday, 29 August, 2002 @ 09:03 AM

whoa, niiiice. Love the detail

Posted: Thursday, 17 October, 2002 @ 10:56 AM

Yet again u amaze me ...

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