Paula Pugh

How To Darw GIR
How To Darw GIR by @AnnieMae04 (Paula Pugh)

I said I was inspired by taryn's "how to darw Dib"

Yes how to draw GIR, with your lovable hoast Zim. He's very happy to be surving you...hehehe. The writing is he Invade Zim offical font. It's not very good and kindda hard to read but they manage to use it in credits and titles.

Finished Work
22y4d ago
Other Work By @AnnieMae04

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 04 June, 2002 @ 10:24 PM

Where did you get thet zim font? Oh! Lovely pic! LOL

Posted: Wednesday, 05 June, 2002 @ 03:57 AM

Aww! ^^ GIR so kyoot! Having Zim do the hosting was a great idea, and that's so adorable with him walking away with that huge sack of money at the end lol. The finished GIR looks absolutely perfect! The whole thing is just so... nifty! ^-^ Great job (as usual ^_~)!

Posted: Wednesday, 05 June, 2002 @ 06:36 PM

That is an ADORABLE little "How to". I love how it looks nothing like Gir and then just "bam" is Gir at the end! LOL! That is SO much like all of those "How to"'s. Zim giving the instruction is even cuter. Might I add, he looks perfect. Love the font. Bravo! ^.~

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