Megan Casey

Sketches --- Jarred Mason --- Anthrofied
Sketches --- Jarred Mason --- Anthrofied by @paradox (Megan Casey)

Here we go...good old fashoned sketches. Bwee...this is actually one of the first times I've just done sketches like that. But, aaaanyways. Jarred, guy in my class...hmmm...he seems...tall? maybe? in those sketches, but he's not...as in like....5'4" or around there, more or less. He's just thin...not really lanky though. Started off in French class, I got bored, and started sketching. Random guy turned into Jarred... most likely because of how we sit in french. at tables. and I'm ever so lucky to be put in the front, at on of the little tables where you get to sit at one of the ends, and face the side wall, and hurt your neck looking at the board... mutter...but Jarred sits 'cross from me..like, a whole foot away. and /that's/ probably why it turned into Jarred. My story, anyways.

I actually erased the first sketch I did, in the end I /really/ didn't like it...lol, it was also the only sketch with him smiling. Lessee...three sketches of his right forearm, one of his right forepaw, palm side up...three of the left ear, in different dierctions...the pants, the shirt...one of his tail...the smaller sketch of him standing was the second sketch I did, then the larger one I drew from that, though his position is changed slightly, head, arms, leg...etc. lol, i had to draw it /under/ the arm and tail and shirt sketches...oh well. The one at the bottom is from the same day, in Social Studies... we were sitting in a circle in our desks, 'cause we were talking about suicides and bullies and things, as a suicide happened very close to our town just recently, and the possible cause may have been bullying...but I was like, across from him, and he was sitting like that for a bit. grumbles, head hurts, dog was just barking on the stairs...and it echoed, loudly...

22y103d ago
Other Work By @paradox

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