@paradox || Profile
Megan Casey

@paradox (Megan Casey)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
08 March, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
25 June, 1988
paradox turned 36 this year.
Nova Scotia, Unspecified
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Mwar. Here I sit, pretending that some of my pictures are partially worthy to be place in the same place as dozens of wonderful artists... (Zarathus, Lauren Henderson, Rachel Vance, Push Tyber, Sabrina Dakat, Lab Rat, and about a gazillion others)

erm..yeah. I dunno....I lurv getting comments on my art... meh, 'cuz it's not all that great. Heh. I'm happy just by the fact that someone has noticed my gallery.

uhmmmm...All Hail Bad Artist Meggerz!!!

What all do I do...? lesse...draw, read, RP, play D&D, play risk, cruise art sites, do gift art, lotsa gift art! loves doing gift art. had never gotten gift art, but loves doing gift art!, listen to music, watch tv, research dreams - mythology - & magik, magik, tarot, runes, philosopher's stones, etc...look at weaponry... talk about compelte nonsense, promote MY SITE...hassle my oldest bro about drawing, because his art r0x0rz, and he says it sux...

uhm... Go see my pally's Side 7 sites! points to friend network thingy and don't forget to GO SEE MY SITE! pleeeeeeaaaaasssse???

I'll do art trades, giftart, anyfink...basically.

Well --- it's not exactly like I'm loaded down busy with things, besides D&D and Risk... I lurv doing gift art and requests and art trades... I do gift art quite randomly, it's hard to tell who exactly I'm going to do some for next...currently.... no one, at this very moment... Sometimes it's random, as in, while I'm in school I suddenly start to draw it random... Like the one of Monny for Jesse Vermin because she's super rock awesome, the "Holy Spirit" sheep character for Lab Rat, and Eukell for Zarathus.... meh, I don't get many requests, online or offline, unless I ask for something to draw --- online, anyways... Arg, and I've done a whole one art trade, with which I didn't like the outcome of my half...
They're three things I'm pretty much never too busy to do.
But I never ask to do art trades, because I'm always worried that the other person'll be too busy.. fweedle dee.

I'm starting to work on a few little comics, I think... There's one up, and I did another one I did, but I need to find it, which I'm having trouble doing! There's only one other real comic thing I've done, a large most of the page comic... I've been needing to finish colouring it for /ages/ but I have to find the colours for one of the characters in it.

whee. lalala.. uhm....

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