Emily Spicer

Tears of Blood
Tears of Blood by @loona (Emily Spicer)

Please don't take this image the wrong way. I'm not an anti-America person. Hell, I live there. But I don't think our attacks are the right thing to do.

I'm not saying what Bin Laden did to us was right. But in the process of punishing him, we should not punish people who have nothing to do with the situation. Bombing kills people who don't deserve to die. No one deserves to die, in my oppinion.

I know thousands were killed 9.11. And that isn't something that should have happened. But before you shout that Afganies should die, please take this into consideration. America has killed too. We've killed so many over the years, and we've thought nothing of it. In Afganistan, they're way of living is so differnt than ours. They aren't given proper information all the time. They've prolly been mislead so that they can hate us. And they shouldn't be hated because of that.

Don't bother in flaming me. I've already been told to get the hell out of the country so they can nuke me too by people at my school. I don't want to listen to your so called patriotism as well. It was people who were killed 9.11. Not a country. A country can never die. But people can.

I know there is no way to prevent this war. But that doesn't stop me from being against it.

Mature (O)
Finished Work
22y267d ago
Other Work By @loona

Comments & Critiques (6)

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Posted: Monday, 08 October, 2001 @ 08:11 PM

I agree with you very much. When I heard about it, I was astonished. I knew that they were most likely going to fire an attack back, but still. I heard the attacks are still continuing as well. I also heard that Americans gave supplies to those hurts in the bombing over there as well. I suppose its the least they can do =/ Two wrongs don't make a right.

Posted: Friday, 12 October, 2001 @ 11:24 AM

Wow! I love this picture. It's deep and sorta scary. And I thought America was supposed to be bigger than this. I'll just leave it at that.

Posted: Sunday, 14 October, 2001 @ 07:10 PM

hi- We just wanted to tell u that we agree with the statement made by your picture. What this all really comes down to is people died and are dying, it doesn't matter were they are from. We too belive, that the bombings of Afghanistan werre wrong and the United States, we belive, has brought itself down to the level of the terrorists to do so. We could have shown that we are truely better then they are by reacting with peace instead of anger. thank you.

Posted: Tuesday, 06 November, 2001 @ 06:58 PM

Hell yah! ...and I thought I was the only one... (perhaps I am in America)

Posted: Saturday, 17 November, 2001 @ 08:14 PM

I kinda agre with that. Going and killing those people doesn't make us any better. And america is cruel and in a way, we deserved it

Posted: Saturday, 12 April, 2003 @ 06:29 PM

Hi there. I don't see why an American should be offended by this. Heck I'm American and I was touched by the message this sent. It's true the terrorist's should be punished for what they did, but it isn't man's place to do it. If some dork decides to get offended by this, well, that's their perrogitive (or however you spell it).

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