Jessicaba Aguilera

That boy, Yoh Asakura ...is extraordinary
That boy, Yoh Asakura ...is extraordinary by @fairy_princess (Jessicaba Aguilera)

this is my art trade with matt thompsonn. i really really like this picture. its an awsome picture to open up to my brand new sletch pad! i hope you like this matt! this title should have been " this boy, matt thompsonn... is extraordinary" (jk)

20y84d ago
Other Work By @fairy_princess

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 27 March, 2004 @ 12:44 PM

This is great for your first try at Ren. Nicely done I am jealous. You've inspired me and now I want to draw her!!!!

Posted: Saturday, 17 April, 2004 @ 08:47 PM

Erm, great pic, but that's Ren's sister, Jun.

Posted: Sunday, 18 April, 2004 @ 12:25 AM

Doh! yeah i relized that after i looked over the comic a couple of days ago. yikes! i feel like such a poser. cries anyway thanks for the coment and what nots!

Posted: Tuesday, 25 May, 2004 @ 05:59 PM

Hi! Wow, Im really, reeeaaalllyyy sorry its taken me so long to comment on the drawings you made for me. Ive been really busy with school and stuff, but now that schools out, I finaly had a chance to see em. Thanks alot, there really good, you only had to draw one of them though ( thank you!). They look really good, and Tao-Jun is one of my favorite charecters (next to Ren) so this is still really cool. Thnaks for all the compliments, your way too kind! I'll try to finish your Harry Potter Drawing soon. Later (and thanks again!)

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