Una Pendragon

More than meets the eyes
More than meets the eyes by @Charmed (Una Pendragon)

I drew this on paper that I dyed with tea. Featureing Miyu, Vampire Princess and Watcher of Darkness, she looks so innocent and alluring, not at all like a predator. Oh, these thirteen-year-young girls can be scary. As can be seen, this sketch doesn't include Larva.

The leading female of the Vampire Princess Miyu Series, and guest of the Vampire Princess Yui series! (I do know who the authors are, but I'm too lazy to write them down. o.o ) -=Drawn September 2000=-

Rough / Concept
20y196d ago
Other Work By @Charmed

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 09 November, 2003 @ 08:32 PM

sure it's a good enough drawing you've done, but I'm more curious about the process of using tea as a paper dye...what bond weight (or absorbtion type) of paper, how long did you steep the paper, have you tried different teas with different hues, how to get a uniform/homogeneous dye to the paper?? drop me a line- i'm quite curious (jillo-featured in my gallery-and i used to make some paper years ago-she was the master really- but never dyed it - just used recycled different colours...) i've dyed textiles (wool and other yarns) using natural ingredients such as onion skins and coffee grounds- also some chemicals- but not yet paper...please let me know

Posted: Sunday, 16 November, 2003 @ 08:44 PM

To be completely honest with you, funsour, I've never tried different teas to get different hues for paper. I just used regular ol' computer paper and Oolong tea. I made the tea first (of course) and then seeped the paper in it for... oh, I'd say about five minutes on one side, and then about eight on the opposite side. Had to do both sides, otherwise it would have been different shades when it had dried.

I'm not sure if this quenches your curiosity or not, but I can say that taking the paper out of the tea and letting it dry before immersing it again gave in an aged texture, since the staining looked different after that.

Well, if I've given you enough info, then great! If not, feel free to ask again, and I'll be more than happy to try an elaborate. :D

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