Li Chi Son

(Introducing another new char) Drak, the magnificent!! (*cough* not!)
(Introducing another new char) Drak, the magnificent!! (*cough* not!) by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

This boy/demon is a menance!!! In the crystal world, he tried to kill Li Chi by first posing as her brother look alike (Li Chi treated him like a son). Drak was really working for Graf. He was the second half of the puzzle to give BB the power to destroy the multiverse (Gohan was the strength/warrior part, Drak was the dark part, and Li Chi was the pure part) Gohan was killed earlier and Drak killed himself so Li Chi was the only thing stopping BB from having enough power to destroy everything.

Ne hoo, Li Chi was moved to the other mutliverse and met Drak the cat along with Nina. It really blew her away when she found out the talking cat was called Drak but he seemed to have a NICE purpose in this realm as Nina's protector. Too bad this realm was more screwed up than the last one with more demons and vampires showing up (and the introduction of the demon portal that opens once in a red moon that connects the upper realm to the demon realm). I had to fight nearly 24/7 (was fun tho).

Then when Li Chi got out of the crystal world, she found Drak as a demon. He was mean to everyone that wasn't his friend. For some reason Drak actually knew what happened in the crystal world so they are kinda friends.....Kind of!

Drak has three forms: His cat form which is kinda nice, but has a sharp tongue. His humanoid form (the pic) that just doesn't give a crap about anyone but his love, Niko. His demon form, Giman, that just loves to kill everyone.

Li Chi has to watch out for his demon form cause Giman will kill Li Chi cause he just doesn't care about her, unlike his other forms who respect her (a bit --;)

Artwork notes: I wanted him to look a bit like a cat cause that was the first impression I got (till Li Chi was out of the crystal world) so I designed his hair to look a bit like cat ears on the side and cat-like eyes and forked eyebrows (all my cat people have forked eyebrows, even Sakura). Pointy ears to show he's a demon. Everything else was Gohan's description.


Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y136d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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