Li Chi Son

My poor poor Zally....how the world seems to hate you (damn you bro!!)
My poor poor Zally....how the world seems to hate you (damn you bro!!) by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Gah, why does Li Chi love such complicated characters?? Zaltite used to be an elemental warrior who was supposed to watch her and keep her safe till Graf could summon Black Beast. Li Chi and Zal fell in love (awwww), but when Black Beast(aka BB) was summoned, Zal died in the first battle.

Li Chi was pulled out of that multiverse and placed in an alternate one where BB never existed. But that meant Zal didn't know her ;; sigh, more hard work for me to regain some relationship with him. And just when they were becoming friends.....I FIND OUT THAT LI CHI WAS STUCK IN A DAMN CRYSTAL FOR 2 YEARS!!!! (AHHH! X( ) So technically, nothing happened. --

Li Chi meets Zal again and he's really really kind and nice.....too bad he is really a demon (><) and none other than BB (AHHHH!!! God damnit! He was born to destroy everything!!!)

To keep it short, Zal had an identity crisis cause he didn't know he was a demon either. He took off in a spaceship and trained for 10-20(??) years and went back in time to the current timeline. That's how he currently looks like. He accepted that he was a (very powerful) demon and merged with his other half.

He came back calling himself Drallos. He lied to Li Chi (><) being a jerk to her constantely and causing trouble for her just to push her away. I think it worked...-_-, they aren't talking to each other right now after that sword fight they had(damnit Zal! You cut off Li Chi's hair!!). Luckily Niko, Zal's little demon sis, put in a good word for Zal to Li Chi so that relieves the tension a bit.

Will Li Chi ever be happy?!?!?

Enjoy! (P.s. this is last year's pic that I never managed to sign)

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Teen (L)
Finished Work
21y136d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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