Li Chi Son

Here, Bubbles! Here's your
Here, Bubbles! Here's your "plain old joe".... by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

not so plain anymore!!! YEAH!

Damn it Bubbles! Stop giving me plain, simple and short descriptions on how your chars look like!!! I can't make a miracle out of one liners!

strangle Bubbles for all he's worth I will make sure you will give me more info next time because I will literally take my revenge on you!!! MUAHAHAHHAH!!!! NO RP FOR YOU!

Nah, I have more scarier ways to scare you, Bubbles. After all, I am a psycho chick that draws nearly 24/7. I've got a pen and paper!! STAY BACK!!!

cough ok ok...enough of that. The arm looks way too skinny. Even if he is normally shinny. It was a quick doodle tho. I'll try to make him look better....

Bubbles....DON'T JUST SAY HE WEARS A T-SHIRT WITHOUT ANY DESIGN!!!! Grrrr, I WILL make you suffer for making me draw a plain old joe!!!

n e hoo, to the rest, enjoy!

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y270d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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