Li Chi Son

When an artist says she's going to take revenge......believe her!!! :P
When an artist says she's going to take revenge......believe her!!! :P by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

MUHAHAHAHAH!!!! Take that Bubbles! This is a lesson to never again send me any more of those one liners for your chars!!!

What's super bad about this pic to Bubbles?? Next to the point that I turned his cute 16-year-old boy into a good looking transexual(a bit premature but I don't mind :P) but the nose bleed guy on the left might be (and from what I have concluded from the RP, probably is) his father, Veremund. XD Incest!!! HOO YEAH!

Cheezy sun in the background shows how serious this pic is :P.

Kinda wanted to add water droplets on Raidee (still deciding).

I don't normally draw poses like that so it was kinda fun trying out new poses. Have fun Bubbles. I had a kick drawing this!!! XD


Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y266d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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