Samantha Nowinski

100th pic-comic: Dedicated to Ric Madness!
100th pic-comic: Dedicated to Ric Madness! by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

The 100th picture to post on my Side7 on September 1, 2002. Ric Madness, my close friend for the past few months now, was the 100th visitor on my site, and I dedicate this comic to him. He liked my story "Invaders and Peacemakers", and he requested a picture related to the "spin the bottle" part. I decided to turn it into a short comic, just for the laughs. I could've done better on Zim, but I like how this turned out for a picture drawn at one o' clock in the morning. Hoorah!! My 100th picture!! Dance with me!! ::Does the River Dance:: ^^;; Artwork © Copyright 2003 Samantha Nowinski

21y296d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 01 September, 2002 @ 12:34 PM

Hey,love ur work,theres something so sexy about a female cartoonist.Ur style is cool but jus watch how u present the actual speech,it looks a bit messy,get that right and u'll go far

online alias: gazzatherazza

Posted: Sunday, 01 September, 2002 @ 11:59 PM

Hey, thanks. I'm not sure if I'll take comics for a career or such, but I'm hanging onto that idea. Thanks for the comment. It's nice ta know that there are people that like my art. :)

Posted: Sunday, 01 September, 2002 @ 06:16 PM

Liking your story is an understatement as is saying the pic came out better than I expected. I'll thrown in a better review here later with the Gaz & Tak pic along with your other great work when I can. Hope ta see ya soon. ^^;

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