kaz iska

worship now!
worship now! by @kazzer (kaz iska)

yess, my squeely fans, this shall be the front of my new dismal t-shirt!on the back it will say sumpin like...dismal..worship. or sumthin.yeess, note how evil and superior zack and cor look looking down on all their school-dancing school-mates. sometimes it's good to feel like god for a few moments. it boosts your self-esteem and fuels that evil dictator within all of us. now go, my children, go forth and be brainwashed by my comic and kill cats and tell your parents i made you do it! muwahahahahaha! (i laugh) Artwork © Copyright 2002 kaz iska

Finished Work
22y59d ago
Other Work By @kazzer

Comments & Critiques (6)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 08 May, 2002 @ 07:48 AM

Yes! Zack and Cor do indeed look superior! It only illustrates how we will evily rule everyone someday! Mraha!Eh, I scare people. evil grin

Posted: Saturday, 27 July, 2002 @ 05:41 AM

my god. your comics so far are the greatest! may i lick your feet? yeah wow. keep up the great skill, looking forward to seeing more of your work

Posted: Friday, 09 August, 2002 @ 10:52 AM

This is great! I'd love to be able to do something like this. You should sell t-shirts with some of your stuff on them. You'd make a fortune! (I'm a friend of Noah's btw...) - Sidhe

Posted: Wednesday, 09 October, 2002 @ 01:57 PM

good, all of it is rilly well executed and everything. but dont be trapped by the pop shit. get yer own style, especially if you ever want to be truly respected as an artist.

as i said, well done and lots of promise, but I just can't wait till you develop your own style.

Posted: Wednesday, 09 October, 2002 @ 01:57 PM

good, all of it is rilly well executed and everything. but dont be trapped by the pop shtuff. get yer own style, especially if you ever want to be truly respected as an artist.

as i said, well done and lots of promise, but I just can't wait till you develop your own style.

Posted: Wednesday, 09 October, 2002 @ 03:26 PM

Behold! A superior picture! XD And I shall inherit the earth when you are all dead! This pic is great. ^_^ Must be nice to have a colse friend... sigh

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