Mary Miller

She's Sad... He's Pissed... Heads Will Roll...
She's Sad... He's Pissed... Heads Will Roll... by @marymill (Mary Miller)

She's Sad...

He's Pissed...

Heads Will Roll...

If you upset me, my friends will be on your tail like Oprah on Twinkies. This was one of my first furries and my absolute first Furry on MS Paint. I hate feeling rejected ~~ dies, melts into a puddle, evaporates Artwork © Copyright 2002 Mary Miller

Finished Work
21y353d ago
Other Work By @marymill

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 19 June, 2002 @ 01:04 AM

What a horrible picture... you shouldnt be so produ of it. i hoep you stay lonley for your whole life. you dont deserve anyone i hope you end up killing yourself you aer a pitttiful little despeareate gurl

Posted: Wednesday, 19 June, 2002 @ 01:11 AM

Well thank you for your thoughts, i will be sure to think about it. While im off taking your advice, why dont you take mine? Learn to spell, get a life, and dont hide behind your name. I will track you down and expose you for the pitiful coward you are... did you not read the description for the pic? my friends will come through for me, and then, your little fake alias wont be there to save you. Thank you for your time.


Posted: Wednesday, 19 June, 2002 @ 01:11 AM

Why the hell do you feel you need to make these comments? This person could be on the verge of suicide for all you know, you little peice of horse crap, how DARE you even mutter a bad word about any of her art. It's her art, and if she's proud of it, let her be DAMN proud of it. Get a life you f*cking loser and stop flaming people like the immature little brat you are. And I'm sorry if I'm the "immature" one here like I know I'll get pictured to be, but this is my best friend and she's not the happiest person in the world, she's been on the verge of suicide more than once and so help you GOD if you upset her in any way I will search the globe for you and personally inflict MAJOR pain upon you, you little snot. Go ahead, kick me off side7, I'll leave knowing I helped a friend out, do you know what that's called? It's a little thing called pride, of course you haven't heard of it...

Posted: Wednesday, 19 June, 2002 @ 12:25 PM

I'm inclined to agree there, if people cant respect others work, they are pretty damn immature. There are polite and constructive ways to tell people you dont like their art! I think its a very sweet pic, btw. Im glad that yer friends stand up for you! It just makes your day when someone tells another off to help ya, doesn't it? :)

Posted: Tuesday, 22 April, 2003 @ 07:03 PM

:( Aaaw, bless your heart ... stoopid people. -- I'll save you!! picks up dusty baseball bat from it's place on the shelf and raises it above her head in a heroic stance Hey, lookit me! Lookit me! I.... slowly falls over backwards ...can't hold a baseball bat like that. --

รด.O Eh?? What jerk wrote THAT stupid comment? Grrr ... tspudi ufkcnig omorn ... egt a iiiiiilef. :P

Heh, don't mind me. I'm really quite sane. huggles Mary

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