Rika Jordan Kennedy

A Mysterious Stranger Watches
A Mysterious Stranger Watches by @TigerGirl (Rika Jordan Kennedy)

This was a picture done for the side story “Los Pieces el en Rio”, which means The Fish in the River. The title has nothing to do with the story; actually, it was just a cool but kinda creepy Mannheim Steamroller Christmas in the Aire song. The story told how the Sailor Senshi met up with the first of their new allies, the Shadows, at a New Years costume party in Mexico. I only ever got this one of Shadow Hype/Zac Hanson done. I was supposed to do his brothers, but never got around to it. The date is faded, but I think it’s 12/99 Artwork © Copyright 2002 Rika Jordan Kennedy

Finished Work
22y12d ago
Other Work By @TigerGirl

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