@TigerGirl || Profile
Rika Jordan Kennedy

@TigerGirl (Rika Jordan Kennedy)
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It's been a while...
05 May, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
18 January, 1984
TigerGirl turned 40 this year.
Oregon, Unspecified
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Hey everyone! My name is Jeni, but most of my friends just call me Rika. My real name is just a little too common around my town. I'm fially graduated now! YAY! huggles deploma I'm SO glad that's all over with. BR>Anywhozle, just so you know I'm 18 with a VERY sick mind sometimes and a very demented sense of humor. evil grin
I'm a huge fan of Anime and video games, and am personally dedicated to the on going fight to get the damn tight wads in Klamath Falls to ACTUALLY HAVE DECENT NON-KIDDISH ANIME ON CABLE!!!! breathes heavily
As you can probably tell...I'm losing. Oh well, Portland will soon be my home! YAY!

Alright, now it's time for that lovely background on the mysterious thing mentioned over and over again in my pictures: The Sailor Moon Nuclear Saga

This is a long story so hold on tight...
In the summer of '97 my sister, whom we affectionally call Koto (and/or the short, insane red head who weilds a VERY huge metal pole SHE calls a Tall Flag) and I started work on a project that has never been completed, but the work has never stopped. (Gee that kinda sounds like the Winchester Mansion...)
It's basically one of the biggest crossover series ever created. Five books, three music groups, the original cast of Sailor Moon, and about 10 added characters created by Koto and I. Although much has been written on it, the reason it's never been completed is because revisions are constantly being made, groups being added or taken away, and new ideas introduced. (Now this REALLY sounds like the Winchester...) As it stands only one book has been fully written, and it stands to have some SERIOUS editing done on it.
As time went on I constantly found myself wanting to draw pictures related to it, hence why you see this series mentioned so many times in my gallery.
I could ramble on forever about it, but someday I will actually have a full explination of it up on the net. Sides...I'm sure you don't want to hear that confusing story anyway...
Well thanks for checking out my site! I warn you, I don't have all the time in the world to do comissions, but if you absolutely want one done by me, I will see what I can do. I charge a pretty penny, I won't lie, but only cause shipping charges are a pain, and I have some pretty big canvases I work with. And just as a note any art work that I'm selling on my archive is PRINTS ONLY! I don't sell the originals. Though most are CGs, some are ones I've done by hand. Those don't cost as much, but I do add in a pretty mat to make it all nice.
Drop me a line sometime!
Catch ya peeps later!
~Rika Jordan Kennedy

(Update on June 26th)
Well Koto and I got together and decided that the Sailor Moon N Saga was dead. Five years and it still wasn't going anywhere, it just wasn't worth it. Someday whatever was finished will find its way on the FF.N, and I'll post whatever pictures are left lying about here on Side 7, but other than that, there won't be anything else done on it.
Koto DID show me that she has been working on a little story idea that she would like turned in to a manga. After a few hours of sketching characters, we shook hands and called it a deal. So now I am the artist (and she's the writer) of a soon-to-come online comic called Wing of Silver Dragon. This time I think we can do it. :D I've already applied to Keenspace.com (Keenspot.com is where it will be) and have made the arrangments to do a weekly comic with extra things in the days between.
Keenspace takes up to a month to process the whole thing, though, but I see it as plenty of promotion time! So check my gallery for updates soon. I'll be posting pictures of the characters and preliminary drawings. And be sure to check out wingofsilverdragon.keenspace.com as soon as its up!

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