Desirae Gundry

Rowwrrrrr by @desigund (Desirae Gundry)

Dennis told me to draw myself in the Animal Magnetism style assa puppy and put a Dennis bunny in the pocket... I got carried away though. I added Kiwi and *C to the pocket mix and all my r/l friends in there too... as the animal they look/act like. I'm gonna CG this sometime soon too! There's Aki kitty, Jill lizard, Jacob bear, 'Manda Tiger and Chance dooooog! Yay!! It's a happy day! Tell me what 'chu think!

22y256d ago
Other Work By @desigund

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 23 October, 2001 @ 12:46 AM

BWE! It's so COOL! I live in Des's POCKETSEY!

Yes my preciouse...what's she got in her pocketseys? A Kato plushie! That's what!

Posted: Friday, 05 April, 2002 @ 04:45 PM

Wow, this one is great. Maybe I envy that you can create something like that. Keep going. I want to see more.

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