Seifer-sama C.

Wolves Wind
Wolves Wind by @Seifer_sama (Seifer-sama C.)

laughs Well what can I say about this. It's a little simple, but I think it kinda works with this picture. I didn't have any Kouga pictures with me when I drew this, so it almost looks liek someone else. If it weren't for the fur outfit and the tail, you probably wouldn't be able to tell who it is. Oh well, I mean it was my first try. ^^;;; At least he looks okay. laughs Well I hope yo ulike it.

Finished Work
20y105d ago
Other Work By @Seifer_sama

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 22 February, 2004 @ 08:18 PM

YAY YAY YAY!!!! U ROCK $O HARD! I WOR$HIP U!!!!!!... THANK U THANK U THANK U!!!! ....... ^ ^ u $o coo.....that pic i$ aw$ome, i wuv u lol

Posted: Sunday, 22 February, 2004 @ 08:25 PM

OMG it's KOUGA I rarely ever see any pics of him which is a real shame because he's sucha cool character! You did a really good job with the fur and bandages around the feet, it makes me want to go cry cuz it's so good ^^. I also love how you did the wind cyclones, very cool ^^.

Posted: Monday, 23 February, 2004 @ 11:19 PM

Very action-packed! I definetly like the slanted composition, and the wind waves really add to the feeling of motion. He looks like whoever is on the recieving end of his attack is not going to be able to eat solid food for months--that is, if they don't die first. I really love the flowing feeling--you've captured pure motion in the way you've moved his hair and his tail around him, and the winds only emphasize that. Impressive colors, as always. I am really impressed by your coloring technique.

Posted: Friday, 02 April, 2004 @ 07:21 AM

looks very good to me! like the action in the pic, full of movement, nice!

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