Richimi Getsu

YYH couples (rescanned)
YYH couples (rescanned) by @richgets (Richimi Getsu)

I wanted to rescan this, because the first one cut off part of Yukina, Botan and Mukuro. And like I said, I could go on forever about some of the YYH pairings I've seen around the net...@_@ Weird, weird, wierd Like Hiei and Mukuro, I'm trying to figure out whether I like the pairing or not, and whether I can see it as a employer/employee, mother/son relationship, or if there actually may be some kind of love invovled there. I guess it's better than the popular alternative of HieiXKurama, which I think is just wrong. XX

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Richimi Getsu

Finished Work
21y27d ago
Other Work By @richgets

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 11 May, 2003 @ 08:01 PM

AW! Kawaii! I love Yusuke and Kurama's expressions. You never see that. EVER.

Posted: Sunday, 11 May, 2003 @ 10:22 PM

I'm so envious of your mad coloring skilz. You make them look so soft like velvet. And you definetly draw the cutest little chibi faces!


Posted: Saturday, 07 June, 2003 @ 01:20 PM

XD Helarious!!!!! I love the one of hiei being boped, just the look on the grils face, and kurama was done uber good too! And keiko, and botan ^_^ Such a good drawing! I Personaly am not anti K/H But i can understand why others are seeing as how it is not a factual relationship. But anyways your coloring skills amaze me! you do brilliant work!

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