Hikari Taniyama

First Toph Drawing
First Toph Drawing by @PocketSizedOwl (Hikari Taniyama)

Yes this is Toph. This is the first time I'ver drawn her, and it's better than how I usually draw other peoples' characters

I know I screwed it up some. And she looks kinda drunk or high how I did it. But oh well. It's the first time.

And don't say anything about not being able to see the lines. I drew them dark enough, but my sanner doesn't work so I have to take a picture with it, and I had to lighten it so you could actually see it.

Rough / Concept
15y93d ago
Other Work By @PocketSizedOwl

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Tuesday, 10 March, 2009 @ 11:39 PM

[quote]And don't say anything about not being able to see the lines. I drew them dark enough, but my sanner doesn't work so I have to take a picture with it, and I had to lighten it so you could actually see it.[/quote]

Might I suggest raising the Contrast in Photoshop or some such program? I have that problem a lot too, and doing that always seems to help.

She looks cute and mischievous to me. ^^

Posted: Wednesday, 11 March, 2009 @ 08:58 PM

[quote="Navi1101"][quote]And don't say anything about not being able to see the lines. I drew them dark enough, but my sanner doesn't work so I have to take a picture with it, and I had to lighten it so you could actually see it.[/quote]

Might I suggest raising the Contrast in Photoshop or some such program? I have that problem a lot too, and doing that always seems to help.

She looks cute and mischievous to me. ^^[/quote]

Alright, thanks :P All I have is Windows photo stuff XD But yeah. I'll just mess around with it until I find somethign that works :P

And thanks. I think she looks like she's on crach or something XD

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