beatnik crab

super-deformed chibi girl
super-deformed chibi girl by @beatcrab (beatnik crab)

lol, there's a really funny story behind this one. my english teacher back in senior year of high school kept making us submit our stories, artwork, etc. to this crappy magazine for students (TeenInk, in case anyone's ever heard of it. i've had artwork published in it once or twice.). anyways, i drew this on my own, independent of any school assignments (i just wanted to see exactly how chibi i could make a person), but when the assignment came i figured it'd be great if i made it look all valentine's day-ish. it'd give me a really good chance of being published in the february issue. well the teacher opted NOT to send it in, and when she handed it back to me she gave me a look. you know, a look. i didn't understand. i looked down at the picture, and then i looked back up at her. then back down at the picture. then it occurred to me. this drawing looks exactly like my teacher (except for the hair)! she's all stumpy and barrely like that. EXACTLY like her! i think she had it in for me for the rest of the year. XD 2000


Finished Work
22y182d ago
Other Work By @beatcrab

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