@beatcrab || Profile
beatnik crab

@beatcrab (beatnik crab)
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It's been a while...
30 December, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
26 May, 1983
beatcrab turned 41 this year.
Arizona, Unspecified
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it's dark. dark dark darkdarkdarkLIGHT! light light lighterlighter too bright! way too bright! OW! DON'T SMACK ME THERE! FOR GOD'S SAKE, TURN ME RIGHT SIDE UP! and ... hey ... what're those scissors for? OW OW OW! DON'T CUT THAT, YOU JERK! ... i'm cold. and slimy. christy god, why won't you just clean me off and leave me alone?

ah, that's better.

hey, don't you come near me. oh don't you DARE come near me. i'll wail at you, i swear i will. i've got some mighty lungs. BRING IT ON! ... yeah, that's what i THOUGHT.

ok, so maybe my account of my birth and the hours that follow isn't exactly pertinent, but it was amusing on some level, wasn't it? besides, it is part of my biography. at least i didn't include my account of my conception. ... no, seriously. be careful or i just might.

anyways, i was born and raised in arizona. as a child my vices included prancing naked around a kiddie easel with a set of fingerpaints. once i outgrew that, i started carrying a sketchpad and mechanical pencil with me everywhere i went. eventually i decided that i didn't much care for sketchpads, so i turned to a binder full of printer paper. nowadays i don't carry anything around with me, but i do make a habit of staying up ungodly late at night (sometimes even all night) with my blessed clipboard, MagicRub eraser, and my trusty mechanical pencil and inkjet paper. a lot of my drawings make it to the inking stage, and then a reasonable number of them make it into Adobe Photoshop via my precious scanner. once there, it takes me several hours to color them. most of them make it out of Photoshop unabandoned. unfortunately, my beloved computer underwent some technical difficulties for most of 2001, so i'm just now catching up on a year's worth of CGing. coloring with colored pencils, markers, etc. is generally out of the question for me, as i'm always afraid i'll just screw up a perfectly good drawing, which is exactly what generally happens.

once in a while i pick up a paintbrush and some acrylic paints. when the mood moves me. several years ago i tried my luck with oil paints, and i quite liked them, except that they stink and it takes days for them to dry.

i took 3 years of art and 1 of computer graphic art in high school, but each and every last one of them was completely and utterly useless. the art classes were nothing but irritating projects that i had no interest in whatsoever, and the computer graphic art class was YEARS behind my capabilities. those 4 classes only managed to hold me back, if anything. that's what i get for going to a catholic school. what i need is unrestricted access to all the art supplies (especially a kiln) i could ever hope for. maybe i'll eventually try my luck in an art course in college, but i think i need a few semesters off from art classes first.

i'm not planning on going into art professionally. it's more of a hobby. although i AM planning on selling prints of some of my art on my website soon.

thanks for reading my inane biography. if there's anything else you'd like to know, feel free to email me. heck, you can email me if you've just got some time to kill.

if you want to see more of my artwork then you can visit my website, the BMLounge. if you want to, you can even CONTRIBUTE to the Lounge. after all, it IS a forum sort of thing for art, poetry, photography, short stories, etc. just PLEASE do me a favor and read the guidelines on contributing before you send me anything. i really hate to have to turn down people's contributions.

-beatnik crab

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