Kelly Marie

King and Queen Style
King and Queen Style by @kellmari (Kelly Marie)

HEre are my two favorite characters from the Nightmare before Christmas...JAck and Sally wearing the king and queen outfit that I made....this style is on the rage of halloween town.. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kelly Marie

Rough / Concept
22y98d ago
Other Work By @kellmari

Comments & Critiques (10)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 28 March, 2002 @ 10:57 PM

WOOOOO! I LOVE THAT SHOW!!!! I like Lock, Shock, and Barrel the most, but this picture is so neat!! Great job!

Posted: Thursday, 28 March, 2002 @ 11:18 PM

omfg...this is awsome...nice job on it...wow...stands in awe of the beautiful to behold...


Posted: Sunday, 31 March, 2002 @ 04:45 PM

Love the pic. :D You pegged the style, and I am very impressed with the linework. ;)

Posted: Tuesday, 02 April, 2002 @ 07:44 PM

YAY!!! Awesome Job Kel...Jack n Sally look devilishly dahling, dahling! O.o

Posted: Friday, 28 June, 2002 @ 03:21 AM

Did I mention just how much you rock? No, no, don't try to deny it, you just plain rock. Hands down, no question, undesputably rock ^^
God this is beautiful. I'm just gonna sit and drool now :O---

Posted: Friday, 26 July, 2002 @ 10:44 AM

smiles ooh, pretty... though I like it better to see Jack smiling (He's so adoreable like that!) it fits the image better here... love the lines, LOVE Sally's dress, and it evens the pic out nice by giving Sally that little black cat from the one scene.... Gorgeous pic.

Posted: Sunday, 18 August, 2002 @ 03:01 AM

I...la...ml...fa....WOW!!!! I was just speechless when I saw this...I think that Tim Burton is GOD when it comes to his movies and everything else that he does so well. You have an awsome talent and the fact that you applied it to one of my faveorite movies just made me all gitty and sqeaky with joy...keep up the good work!! :D

Posted: Friday, 27 September, 2002 @ 04:10 PM

This is the most impressive picture I have seen since I saw the picture of you. Unbelievably talented

Posted: Sunday, 29 December, 2002 @ 09:19 PM

I want to see that movie soooo badly! Please tell me, is it good? Speaking of good, this pic is awesome.

Posted: Monday, 14 April, 2003 @ 05:31 PM

Hey, me again. I saw the movie, and I LOVE IT!!! It's now my all-time most favorite movie. Hey, can you draw Lock, Shock, and Barrel? They're my favorite characters. If you can, PLEASE draw them! Aheee!!! They're soooo cute! So are these guys!

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