Matthew Sarginson

some random charachters
some random charachters by @Max (Matthew Sarginson)

a pic of a few random charachters, on the bottom left is Radar, a communications officer, shes quite a kind and helpful person, even though she has no arm. to the far right is her big brother Sonar, also works communications, but is more of a fighter, a gorilla type experiment, has mutated lungs that cannot breath oxygen, so has a mask thats supplies him nitrogen oxide, the only gas he can breath. between the two of them is Daisy, a horse experiment, very optimistic and cheerful, almost always happy, dont get on her bad side, she has one heck of a kick, just to the upper left is O.N.E the evil big brother to the good guy robot Z.E.R.O, hes quite a nasty piece of work, he wasnt satisfied with his body, so he stole parts and made his own, right at the top is Stealth-Scream (again) Artwork © Copyright 2002 Matthew Sarginson

Finished Work
22y68d ago
Other Work By @Max

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