Matthew Sarginson

General Gimmick
General Gimmick by @Max (Matthew Sarginson)

a picture of a bad guy i invented ages ago, but havent got around to drawing a good pic of until now, General Gimmick is the single robot who leads Kragoths Robo-Armies, and is the only one of them that isnt a mindless, emotionless drone. he speaks in an old english accent with the usual "tally-ho!" and such. hes not built well, since some of his parts have been put together with....funny moment....Velcro! so he keeps falling apart at the worsts possible moments (ie. "stop right there intruder! or ill" CLANK! "oops, there goes my arm, thats ok, no-one saw that...") Gimmick has a lot of weapons imbedded in his chest, which he can open up and use. never one to back down, he commands well, but if he is destroyed, the other robo-drones are left without a commander and just stand around looking confused, a perfect oppurtunity to attack! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Matthew Sarginson

Finished Work
22y66d ago
Other Work By @Max

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