Bridgette Berry

Dib & Miles! For Shasta ^-^
Dib & Miles! For Shasta ^-^ by @idgiebay (Bridgette Berry)

It's Dib and Miles, Shasta's Zim fanchar. ^^ I hope it came out okay..

Finished Work
22y75d ago
Other Work By @idgiebay

Comments & Critiques (7)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 19 April, 2002 @ 01:36 AM

Ahhh!!! How is it that you can keep trying new things and every time you're so good at it? o.o Your work with your new nibs is GREAT! And I luuuuuuuv Miles' hair! It's adorably cute! It's the first unevil picture you've drawn in a long time! ;)


Posted: Friday, 19 April, 2002 @ 02:28 AM

I looooove it! ^_^ Wai, that's so cute! I don't know how you do it, but you can get Dib's expressions done sooo well. And the lighting or whatever you did to make the pic look the way it does was a nice touch. It gives us that cute little romantic sparkly feeling. Anyway... I love it! Love it, love it, love it!

Posted: Friday, 19 April, 2002 @ 03:49 AM

AWwwwwwwwwww! It's SO cute. The expressions are GREAT! Dib looks like he likes her >^.^< awwwwwwwww!!! Good work! ^.~

Posted: Friday, 19 April, 2002 @ 09:18 PM

- Idgiebay...this...this is so cute!! I know I've told you this already, but I love this picture so much!! Heehee, Dib and Miles X3 And you drew her just perfectly! ^^ I'm indebted :D

Posted: Tuesday, 30 April, 2002 @ 02:20 AM

...............AHEM!! THATS MINE!!! ::Drags Dib away::

Posted: Wednesday, 08 May, 2002 @ 12:57 PM

This is to cute! To cute to sticken comphrehend man! I love Zim.

Posted: Saturday, 25 October, 2003 @ 08:09 PM


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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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