Karen Kyoto

An Annoyed Tenko
An Annoyed Tenko by @karekyot (Karen Kyoto)

Okay, this is not new...This picture is used for Tenko's bio on my site. You know what's weird? Though it's off the subject, first my cousins and my brother are singing a part of "Get a Clue" by Simon and Milo and I'm like, "What are you guys singing?" and my brother kept adding some weird things in the song because he didn't know most of the words. rolls eyes Then yesterday, they bought the CD of it and I fell in love with the songs. Right now, my brother and I are listening to "Get a Clue" REALLY LOUD!!!! My brother made me so I could get him to go away from me (we're playing the CD on the computer). Back to the subject...This is kind of old... shrugs

22y39d ago
Other Work By @karekyot

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 24 June, 2002 @ 02:16 PM

Good facial expression, like the glasses, I'm seeing more and more cool styles, and I don't care if it's old, it's still good.

Posted: Saturday, 29 June, 2002 @ 12:37 PM

Thanks Crono Cat! ^-^ I think I'm going to get deaf if my brother always listens to Simon and Milo loud... o_O

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